Welcome to our guide on the top 41 legal websites!
For law professionals, a robust online presence is crucial for attracting clients and building trust. Your website must showcase expertise, offer service details, along with simplifying client contact.
In this article, we’ve thoroughly assessed numerous legal websites for their aspects such as design, functionality, uniqueness, plus user experience. These sites, ranging from polished, professional designs to intuitive navigation, establish the benchmark for the legal sector.
Prepare to be inspired when crafting a winning website for your law firm or practice. Explore examples covering various legal specialties like general practice, corporate, litigation, intellectual property, personal injury, real estate, and immigration law. For website designs in other sectors, check out our Top Website Layouts of 2023 article!
The Top Attorney Website Designs
1. The Cochran Firm

This law firm web design creates a connection to their customers by having their contact information, business hours, as well as social media icons all in an area that is easily accessible. We enjoyed how large images were used throughout this website. The Cochran Firm’s custom template also features a sticky header to helping clients navigate easier.
2. Healy Scanlon

Featured in this unique attorney site is an intro video of their team, creating a link of trust between them and their customers. Adding in a well labeled navigation bar creates simple navigation for this lawyer site. Utilizing a homepage that is very detailed, but easy to read with plenty of pictures. Some notable features are a live chat option, accessibility, and a contact form near the bottom. Including information related to past cases shows potential customers that they are a reputable company.
3. Herbert Law Firm

Herbert Law Firm focuses on proving their worth as a company. Showing off 20 years of experience, awards, what areas they defend, plus a little about them really proves that. Bold colors really helps this template stand out from other website designs for law firms. Also, client testimonials are shared, which is great for social proof.
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4. The Prinz

A red color scheme that grabs your attention creates a very clean, attractive layout. Something we enjoyed about this design was how there was plenty of white space along with pictures to break up information. Using buttons helps this site immensely because clients are able to navigate around easier. Also offered in this site was a google map with directions to their firm, phone numbers, plus social media icons.
5. Clifford Law Offices

Clifford Law Offices has a custom template that is straightforward. Sharing many facts about their business really proves that. Featuring a video in this home page allows users to learn more about Clifford Law Offices. Having a layout with plenty of white space between information allows for a calming site. We also noticed how this company created a simple but interesting logo to represent their company.
6. Husch Blackwell

This law firm web design harnesses a blue color scheme, creating a simple design. Links are added taking clients to other pages with more information, generating a focus for their company. Also, customer testimonials are shared on a slider, which can be easily read. Showing off their different locations along phone numbers ensures simple contact from their customers to them.
View our full website design portfolio here.
7. McHargue & Jones Law

On McHargue & Jones Law, an attractive intro picture, live chat, client testimonials, as well as Google Maps can be seen in their custom template. An organized layout is used to help clients find information quickly. We liked how this company introduces their whole team, including links leading to more information about their team. Lastly, we noticed how a button was utilized to change their content into another language.
8. Michael Best

Having an informational site by sharing rankings and newsletters about Michael Best really helps this law firm web design stand out from its competitors. Adding in a sticky header with their links nicely organized creates a template that is easy to navigate. We liked their use of a variety of bright colors to contrast with the original color scheme. Including a search bar into this attorney website was another feature we noticed.
9. Thorelli & Associates

Thorelli’s website uses many different colors to separate information, which creates a nice pop of colors that isn’t distracting. Simple icons are seen throughout to help prove what services are offered. Also, a contact form can be accessed easily for customers to get in touch with them. We also liked how content in this website was organized into short and to the point paragraphs.
10. EntrePartner

EntrePartner uses a bright color scheme, which grabs your attention right away. We enjoyed how this company’s logo design colors reflected their color palette throughout the entire site. A helpful feature was how many links were included allowing visitors to reach out for more information. Everything is organized very well, making it easy for visitors to browse through. In a convenient area, contact information is listed such as: phone number, contact form, as well as social media icons.
11. Winthrop & Weinstine

This is a very attractive design for a custom attorney website because of their stunning color scheme. There is plenty of white space to balance out pictures along with information. Adding in an intro video was unique, plus it catches the client’s attention. In this professional site, we also noticed their thoughtful logo design that was displayed beautifully throughout their site.
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12. Herrling Clark Law Firm

This is a good example of a website design for law firms looking for a professional look and feel. We thought this website was a good design idea for lawyers because of their use of a live chat feature. Another feature in this creative law firm site was their easily seen phone number, which makes for simple contact with their company. Herrling Clark Law Firm clearly had website accessibility in mind when designing the well labeled navigation bar for their website. For law firms looking for examples for their next website layout, this example will for sure be one to keep in your back pocket.
13. Gonzales & Gonzales Immigration Bonds

Though this isn’t a law firm, they strive to help people with legal issues related to their immigration status. We really enjoyed how in their site, they made use of their logo design in multiple areas as a decorative accent. A yellow accent gives customers a sense of hope and positivity which is perfect for a site like this. High quality visuals are also used strategically to create a more reliable site. Additionally, we liked their classy and professional font that can be seen throughout the entire design.
14. The Blankenship

This sleek law firm web design focuses on getting information out, while also keeping it simple. There is plenty of white space used throughout this layout along different color backgrounds to separate information. Also, utilizing a bright yellow scheme to highlight testimonials. We liked how there was a section to show results of past trials taken on by this company, because it’s a great way to show potential customers where your company have been successful. Another great design choice was their bold font choices.
15. Luvera

Luvera has great information about their business that is very well organized. A layout such as this one really helps customers navigate through their website. Adding in results from previous cases are showcased within this website to show their strengths and weaknesses. Also included in this site is how this company is involved with their community. Lastly, we enjoyed their simple but seemingly luxurious logo design.
16. NWCL

Even though this is a simple homepage, this company successfully shares who they are, what they do, and customer testimonials. Also included in NW Corporate Law was a few CTAs, looking for leads. An interesting feature that helps this site standout from its competitors is how bigger customers are shared along with linking to them into their site. Choosing a domain for their site that matches their company name was a great marketing technique.
17. Johnston Law Firm

We enjoyed how Johnston Law Firm features a video on the homepage explaining them as a business, which is a great way to share information. Also in this site, different aspects of their law firm are explained throughly. Everything is kept simple along with being easy to read, in order to get as much information to customers as possible. It was also interesting to add in a large button for your free case consultation.
18. Tonkon Torp

Tonkon Torp uses orange, blue, and purple along with the white space around it to make a creative law firm website template. Customers can see a simplistic homepage with colored boxes linking to different pages. Using many pictures helps keep viewers engaged while explaining more about their focus as a business. All of their team members are nicely organized including what their job consists of, a little about themselves, as well as how to contact them.
19. Southwest Portland Law Group

This attorney site displays testimonials from past customers, allowing new customers to gain trust with them. Also included in this site are CTAs, allowing visitors to reach out for more information. Southwest makes it very easy to contact them and make an appointment. In this site, we also couldn’t help but notice the inclusion of high-quality videos. Graphics also filled the pages of Southwest to give clients more visuals.
20. Ball Janik LLP

Ball Janik’s created a site that is very easy to browse through. Utilizing a sticky header, simple icons for each practice, along with links to additional information was a great choice to enhance usability. We enjoyed how they used a bold font for titles to help them stand out. Another thing this law firm website did well with was their large imagery.
Related: Consider digital marketing services if your law firm needs to drive more leads to its practice.
21. Chenoweth Law

In this law firm web design, we liked how a bold, bright, contrasting color scheme is used. Chenoweth Law holds a very inviting layout with a picture of their team, explaining what they are all about. Areas of practice are listed on the main page, but also organized well into many boxes/links. Some features that stand out are easily accessed phone numbers, a live chat option, social media icons, along with a google map at the bottom. Make sure to check out this custom website design when searching for an attorney website.
22. York Law Firm

Having a variety of images grabs customers’ attention, especially when it relates to them. Overall, pages are very clean with boxes as well as pictures all shaped to the same size. We enjoyed how this firm used line drawings to organize information because it was a unique touch. Links can be accessed easily based on their location. This site also makes it simple to contact them by using a button to fill out a contact form, along with a live chat.
23. Piering Law Firm

A dark blue, gold and white color scheme is used throughout this site to create a sophisticated design. We noticed how videos, images and text were well balanced. Adding in large buttons helps clients navigate through this lawyer website. Showing their logo multiple times throughout their site was something else we liked. Lastly, having an organized menu really helps viewers find information they need.
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24. Tiemann

Tiemann mostly uses a blue color scheme, which generates a stable emotion towards their company. We enjoyed how this law firm included high quality visuals. Posting results from previous cases helps prove that as a firm, this company is reputable. It was also very easy to contact them along with being able to browse through information, due to their sticky header.
25. Arnold Law Firm

Arnold Law Firm does a great job at staying organized with strong headlines and clear separators, which keeps their pages from being overwhelming. Video integration was a feature we noticed right away because it helps engage possible clients. Contact forms can be found easily, making it quick to contact their company. This unique lawyer website also had a creative logo design, which helps with brand recognition.
Related: To get more traffic from Google’s search results, enlist the help of SEO services to get more exposure for your law firm.
26. Freedman

Upon opening this site, stunning imagery is used to engage potential customers. Graphics can also be seen all throughout this site to help organize information. Adding in information related to the background of this business including that they’ve been in business for more than 30 years. Overall, this was a well organized, simplistic template that can be inspiration for upcoming law firms.
27. Cartwright

Cartwright has a very attractive layout due to their professional color scheme. Information listed in this site was very well organized as well as being easy to read. Results from past cases can be found on the main page, along with customer testimonials. Information related to their cases of interest can be found in order to decide if this is the firm for you. We also liked how videos were added in to create diversity in their content.
28. Ruben Law Firm

This attorney website has a very relaxing blue color scheme relax their viewers. Using a logo design that relates to their company focus was something that helped Ruben Law Firm stand out from its competitors. Having buttons to direct clients to different practice areas was a marketing feature we enjoyed. Lastly, choosing a basic but professional font really completed this attorney web design.
29. San Francisco Law Group

An orange color scheme is used in this template with a fairly skinny font. We enjoyed how the image featured in the homepage related to their practice area. While other law firms did this, we liked how San Francisco Law Group includes a contact form for their viewers. Another feature done well was having a domain that matches their company name.
30. The People’s

A dark color palette really helped this website stand out from other website designs for law firms. Right away, viewers can find not only locations, but also what this law firm can do for them. Facts about the firm, help grab the readers attention as well as building trust with their company. Accents of gold throughout their pages was a unique feature we wanted to point out.
31. Moreno

To help this law firm website stand out, they chose a pinkish color scheme. Immediately in their site, their practice areas are listed to save time for potential clients. Having a layout that is very clean along with being organized, like this one, is something to watch for while creating your site. Adding in many visuals to liven up the pages helps to create a more appealing design, larger pictures are great for this too. Lastly, using buttons to help navigate throughout this custom site is something else to apply to your custom web design.
32. Hann

In this site, we noticed an automatically playing video displaying their team. Along with that, showing visuals for each area of practice was a feature that stood out. Including some customer testimonials that are easy to find are a must have. Other features we noticed were sticky headers, google maps, social media icons, along with a contact form.
33. Costanzo

Costanzo has a very organized main page showing their areas of practice on a slider that is easy to read. Color palette for this page includes white, blue along with green, which creates a harmonious feel. Using interesting blocks of color really helped this site seem more creative. Including a thoughtful logo design really helped this company with brand recognition.
34. SAC Attorneys

Using a navy blue color scheme creates a relaxing template for this professional law firm. We noticed their use of a sticky header making it easy to navigate through information easily. This firm does a great job explaining what potential customers can expect from them. While most sites share testimonials, this site is unique because of their video testimonials. It was definitely a good idea to add in past awards this firm has won. Don’t forget to check out this website design for law firms when looking for inspiration.
35. Saavedra

One of the features that stood out to us was the logo design that gave an effect of connection, possibly between client and lawyer. Practice areas are displayed right away using a card design with a cool hover effect. Saavedra includes client testimonials on a slider which is easy to read, but mainly gains them social proof. Their phone number is located in areas that are obvious along with being easy to access. We also enjoyed their wavy progression bar walking clients through their step process.
36. Goldwater

This website has a gold and red color scheme, which works well together, but also sets them apart from competitors. One thing that stood out to us was information included that was related to each case type. We also noticed how customers can click a variety of different links to see if they qualify. Another feature that stands was simple contact information between the live chat and being available by phone 24/7. This feature gives satisfaction to visitors that they will get an answer as soon as possible.
37. Alcock & Associates

Alcock & Associates are great at clarifying what you can expect from DUI, criminal cases and other law related topics. Sharing how many cases have been handled since 2000, resulting in an operating business for more than 20 years shows their reputation. Including a few videos to answer common questions about cases was another aspect of this site that we enjoyed.
Related: Not getting enough ROI from your PPC campaigns? Try a paid ads management service targeted to law firms.
38. Zachar

Getting information to clients is this company’s main focus, and it shows. This focus allows for potential customers to get a good understanding of their business without having to contact them. However, there are many call to action buttons, to reach out for more information if needed. Using large images and color blocks to break up content was another feature we liked in this custom lawyer site.
39. Suzuki

This law firm website uses a red, white, and blue color scheme, creating a welcoming home page. Offering many different areas of service was helpful, but the organization of information was even more helpful. Additional features that can be found throughout their home page were accessibility, a live chat, plus a google map. Seeing unique frames for their imagery was something we enjoyed. Lastly, a distinguished, professional font can add a whole new dimension just like in this site.
40. The People’s Law Firm

A creative home page like this one explains right away that this firm’s specialty is civil rights and human rights. Even in their name, it’s easy to tell that they are here for the people. A couple of videos are included talking about their team, along with news articles are shared explaining their involvement with others and the community. These are both great ways of sharing more information to customers. We also liked how this company used high-quality visuals throughout their site.
41. Guidant

Guidant keeps their page very simple with a nice relaxing blue color scheme. On their homepage, information about who they are, along with what they do. Also, links are added onto a sticky header to maximize usability. They also strive for simple contact information with phone numbers, social media icons, email address as well as locations.
How to Build a Great Law Firm Website
Are you in the process of building a new website for your law firm? How exciting!
Let’s review key steps in creating or updating a law firm website.
Feel free to skip initial sections if you’ve already chosen your domain, hosting service, and website platform!
1.) Purchasing a Domain Name
Selecting a domain name for your law firm’s website is crucial for your online identity. It’s your website’s address, essential for branding and recognition.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to selecting the ideal domain name:
- Brainstorm: Begin thinking about domain name ideas based on your law firm’s name, practice areas, and location.
- Simplicity: Opt for a straightforward domain name that’s easy to spell and say, avoiding complex words, hyphens, or numbers.
- Consistency: If your law firm has a recognized brand name, it’s best to incorporate it into your domain. For instance, if your firm is “Smith & Associates,” consider a domain like SmithAndAssociatesLaw.com, rather than 401LocalLawHelp.net.
- Availability: Before proceeding, ensure your desired domain names are available. Common ones may be taken, so check if yours is unused and purchasable. If purchasable, avoid overspending.
- Domain Extensions: Choose the domain extension that fits your website’s purpose. While .com is common, extensions like .law, .legal, or .attorney are also something to think about.
- Legal Considerations: Before registering your domain, conduct a trademark search to ensure it doesn’t infringe on others’ intellectual property. Avoid using names of other law firms or well-known legal organizations in your field.
- Register the Domain:
Once you’ve chosen an available domain, register it through a reputable domain registrar. GoDaddy and Namecheap are user-friendly options we recommend.
2.) Choosing a Website Platform
Once you’ve settled on your domain, the next step is choosing a website platform for your law firm site.
Most lawyers typically develop content-driven websites featuring appointment calendars, contact forms, and prominent phone numbers to enhance conversions.
- WordPress:
WordPress is a versatile content management system offering flexibility and customization for law firm websites, from basic to complex. With themes and plugins, it allows personalized sites. It’s favored for control and expandability, usually installed on web hosting. - Wix: Wix, similar to WordPress, offers robust page-building features and is a hosted solution. It’s a solid choice for law firm websites, eliminating the need for separate web hosting.
Web Hosting Requirements
If you choose a platform like WordPress or WooCommerce, you’ll need to find a web hosting service.
Consider our reliable WordPress-specific web hosting service. If you’re open to other options, here are some recommendations:
- WP Engine: WP Engine is a top choice for law firm web hosting. Their user-friendly control panel simplifies staging website creation, and their backup process is seamless. One limitation is their PHP max_execution_time restriction, and costs can escalate with upgraded services.
- SiteGround: We’ve had great experiences with SiteGround. Their live chat and email support surpass those of more renowned hosting firms. Response times are quick, and issues are typically resolved by the first person we speak with. Their backup tools are user-friendly, and they offer reasonable pricing for law firms.
3.) Choosing a Website Template
Many law firms opt for pre-designed website templates to lower costs and speed up development. Yet, if customization is preferred, hiring a custom web developer or custom ecommerce developer for a tailored theme is an option.
To set up a law firm website, let’s focus on finding pre-built website templates. Here are links to major theme marketplaces to explore:
WordPress Law Firm Themes
You can find free themes at wordpress.org or consider law firm templates at ThemeForest.
Supreme Court – Themeforest

Libero – Themeforest

Law Firm – Themeforest

Verdict – Themeforest

Wix Law Firm Themes
You can find free and paid themes in the Wix marketplace at wix.com, including some options suitable for law firms.
4.) Crafting Content & Incorporating Images
With your domain, website platform, and theme set, it’s time to craft your law firm website’s content!
For engaging copy, keep these tips in mind:
- Know your target audience: Before you write, understand your target audience well. Define their demographics, preferences, and needs. Tailor your content to address their needs, offer valuable insights, and connect with them. This boosts your law firm’s relevance in search engine results.
- Establish key messages: Identify the key messages you aim to communicate through your website content. Ensure they align with your brand, emphasize your distinct strengths, and clearly articulate the advantages of your legal services.
- Keep it concise and scannable: Online readers often skim content, so ensure your writing is concise and easy to digest. Employ short paragraphs, bullet points, subheadings, and bold text to break up content and improve readability.
- Create compelling headlines: Create captivating headlines that instantly communicate the value and relevance of your law firm. Compelling headlines can draw visitors to delve deeper into your website and discover more about your services.
- Strategically incorporate keywords: Perform keyword research and seamlessly incorporate relevant keywords into your content to enhance your law firm’s search engine visibility. Avoid keyword stuffing to maintain readability and user experience. Utilize tools like Ahrefs or Semrush for keyword research.
- Maintain a conversational tone: Write conversationally, avoiding unnecessary legal jargon. Engage readers directly with a friendly tone.
- Edit and proofread: Proofread your content before publishing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure it aligns with your brand voice and consider using tools like Grammarly for help.
- Leverage ChatGPT for assistance:
Consider using AI tools like ChatGPT for generating ideas or refining content on your law firm’s website.
Break up long text with relevant, high-quality images. Consider these tips:
- Opt for high-quality images: Choose visually appealing, well-composed, high-resolution images. Blurry or pixelated images can lower your law firm website’s quality.
- Ensure relevance: Select images relevant to your content, enhancing your message. They should complement the text, offering extra context or visual appeal for your legal services.
- Utilize stock photo resources:
Use reputable stock photo websites like Unsplash, Pixabay, or Shutterstock for professional legal images. Follow licensing rules and provide attributions if needed. - Customize images when possible: Consider customizing or branding images to match your law firm’s brand if you have the skills or resources. This fosters a cohesive visual experience for visitors. Use tools like Adobe Photoshop or Canva for assistance.
- Optimize image file sizes: Compress images to optimize file sizes without sacrificing quality. Large files can slow down your law firm’s website, affecting user experience and SEO. Tools like TinyPNG can help.
5.) Post-Launch Tasks and Optimization
After launching your law firm’s website, there are key tasks to maximize its effectiveness. Here are essential suggestions for post-launch activities:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improve your law firm’s local search visibility with effective SEO strategies. Conduct keyword research, optimize content, and create fresh, quality content regularly. Consider partnering with our SEO team or reputable providers like The HOTH for help.
- Paid Advertising: Drive targeted traffic to your law firm’s website using Google Ads or Facebook Ads. Explore our PPC management services or find skilled professionals on platforms like Mayple.
- Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyze your law firm website’s performance with Google Analytics. Use tools like VWO for A/B testing to boost conversion rates and enhance user experience.
- Website Security: Secure your law firm’s website with SSL certificates, firewalls like Sucuri, and regular backups. Keep CMS, plugins, and themes updated. Monitor uptime with tools like UptimeRobot.
- Website Maintenance: Maintain your law firm’s website for peak performance. For WordPress, update plugins and themes, monitor speed, and fix errors. Consider our website maintenance services or freelancers on platforms like Upwork. Regularly back up your site to prevent data loss.
- User Feedback and Testing: Gather user feedback to understand experiences and areas for improvement. Conduct user testing to observe interactions with your website. Use insights to make iterative enhancements and optimize the user experience continually.
- Content Updates: Keep your law firm website content fresh and relevant. Post new law-related blogs regularly and update service details. Engaging content attracts visitors and encourages return visits and sharing.
Remember, post-launch digital marketing is crucial for long-term success. Stay proactive, monitor performance, and adapt strategies to meet business goals and audience needs.
FAQs about Web Development for Lawyer Websites
A great law firm website has professional design, engaging content, and effective calls-to-action to attract new clients.
Designing a law firm website duration varies based on factors like complexity, page count, content volume, and desired features. Consider customizable template websites for quicker, cost-effective creation. Basic sites may take 4-8 weeks, while complex ones can take months.
The design process entails custom design or template selection, platform and hosting selection, and content and functionality setup. Development involves coding, testing, and debugging for full functionality and responsiveness. The timeline depends on law firm needs and team efficiency.
A template-based law firm website in WordPress typically starts at $4,000. For custom themes with design mockups, expect a starting price around $10,000. Factors contributing to cost increases include premium design, custom functionality, and data migration.
To create a law firm website, prepare high-quality images, relevant content, branding elements (like logos and colors), and service information. Design the site with a clean, professional look, considering the audience’s needs and preferences for easy navigation.