How to Use Facebook Dynamic Creative

Dynamic product ads allow you to target customers who have recently visited your website and browsed key product pages, but left before completing a purchase. This is typically a great audience to target because of their elevated interest in the product and intent to purchase. With dynamic product ads, you can create personalized ads that show recent visitors the product’s they’ve recently viewed and similar products they might be interested in looking at. These can be shown to recent visitors in their Facebook and Instagram feeds.

How to Use Facebook Dynamic Creative

Facebook Dynamic Creative is a quick and cost efficient way to figure out which combination of images, text and call to actions to display to each individual person for the best performance and ROI. Here’s Facebook’s explanation of dynamic creatives.

Related: Types of Facebook Custom Audiences.

Dynamic Content Creative

How to Set Up Facebook Dynamic Creative Ads

1.) Create a new campaign

From Facebook Ads Manager click the green Create button to begin campaign creation.

Create A New Campaign

2.) Click slider to turn on dynamic creative

At the Ad set level click the slider to turn on Dynamic Creative

Click Slider to Turn On Dynamic Creative

3.) Upload image variations

Include all the different images you would like to test.

Upload Image Variations

4.) Write primary text variations

Write different primary text to see which works best.

Write Primary Text Variations

5.) Write headline variations

Write different headlines to test them out.

Write Headline Variations

6.) Select call to action variations

Select the different call to action buttons you would like to try.

Write Headline Variations

Old Vs New Creative Testing

Old Creative Testing

The old way of testing Facebook ad creatives for success was riddles with inefficiencies and hurdles.

  1. Very time consuming to setup
  2. Required larger budgets if you wanted results sooner
  3. 10’s if not 100’s of combinations had to be created manually
  4. Hard to gauge results
  5. Not the most controlled experiment
  6. Ads would compete with themselves

New Creative Testing

Now a days we have Facebook dynamic creative ads. Which is by far the best way to determine which ad creative will convert the best.

  1. Less than 15 min to setup
  2. Controlled experiment
  3. Facebook algorithm handles the delivery of ads
  4. Clear results and winning combination
  5. No more competing with yourself
  6. Only one ad needs to be created

Facebook Ads Dynamic Creative Results

Wordstream ran an experiment over the course of 30 days to test the performance of this feature. The results?

They saw 60% more conversions generated by the dynamic creative ad set than the standard version. Efficiency also improved, with a 55% lower cost-per-conversion for ads using dynamic creative.

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