25 Best Tattoo Websites

Calling all tattoo artists and parlor owners! Seeking web design inspiration for your ink empire? Look no further than our guide to the top 25 tattoo websites!

Our experts evaluated top tattoo sites for design, functionality, and user experience, showcasing online excellence in the industry with captivating layouts and seamless navigation.

Discover inspiration for your own site while also gaining valuable insights to make your online presence stand out.

Boost your tattoo business with our guide! Discover website examples for parlors, artists, conventions, removal services, and supply companies. For more industry examples, see our Best-rated Web Designs of 2023 article!

The Top Tattoo Website Designs

1. Goodkind Tattoo Co.

This website shares they specialize in unique and custom tattoos. A variety of information is given which is a great way to get viewers engaged. Also included in this custom template was a picture gallery, along with testimonials, a Google Map, and a contact form. Keep this site in mind when creating your next tattoo artist website.

2. Ink & Iron

This tattoo website has a very modern feel, with small, thin font and a lot of white space around the information. Many pictures showcasing different tattoos from different artists. Also on the homepage, there is testimonials, Google Map, and contact information making it easy to get into contact. There is a sticky header making it easy for visitors to easily browse and discover all the information within the website.

3. Guns N Needles

Guns N Needles has a great web design with a good amount of information but isn’t overwhelming to the reader. Including large, bold fonts for titles really helps possible customers when scanning through this site. This tattoo design company also does a great job answering FAQs and utilizing easy-to-follow instructions related to aftercare of tattoos.

4. Dinkytown Tattoo

Tattoo designers looking for ideas for their next site should check out this simple layout with some written content showcasing what’s offered at their studio. Including a photo gallery organized by the artist, showcasing the work they’ve done was something else that stood out in this site. Looking at these portfolios helps customers decide which tattoo artist to go with based on their style. Along with that, this company includes a link to a consultation near the bottom.

5. Nokomis Tattoo

Nokomis Tattoo uses a bold red color to highlight important information in the website. Not all tattoo shops allow walk-ins, so this company makes it clear that both appointments and walk-ins are offered. We enjoyed how this tattoo design company used bright buttons to link users to other portions of the site. Other notable features include an informative blog, social media links, and a contact form.

6. Leviticus Tattoo & Piercing

Having a variety of cool pictures to grab your attention really helped this professional tattoo design website out. A clearly labeled menu helps ensure simple navigation. Additionally, this site includes a video to provide an online tour of their shop. We enjoyed how these tattoo designers chose a luxurious color scheme for their custom web design.

7. MPLS Tattoo Shop

The most attention grabbing aspect of this site was the automatically playing video, displaying a stunning tiger tattoo design. This company uses a creative font to embrace a fun feeling. MPLS Tattoo Shop focuses on making it easy to contact them by placing their phone number in areas that can be easily accessed, along with a link to their “Contact Us” page.

8. Bellwether Tattoo

Bellwether Tattoo’s uses a layout that creates a simplistic feel. The color scheme is salmon, white, and a variety of grays. Content is centered on the page with a background that stays in place. The combination of these features allows for viewers to focus on the images pasted into this tattoo artist website. These pictures are displayed to show ranges in patterns, tattoo areas, and talent.

9. Lucky Dragon Tattoo

We enjoyed Lucky Dragon Tattoo’s website because of how everything is kept simple and doesn’t overwhelm the reader. Another feature we liked was their creative logo design, matching the company’s name. It is also obvious what their company offers, along with sharing their areas of expertise. This company also includes social media links for Facebook, Instagram, along with their Google reviews.

10. The Nova Expansion

This tattoo website stands out from competitors by having an intro slider with many pictures showing what their shop looks like, along with tattoo artists working on different designs. We thought their interesting font choice along with bright orange accent color really lit up this site. It was nice how each tattoo designer has an introduction along with a link to guide viewers to their work.

11. Empire Inks

One of the best features in this tattoo design website was their pops of color. We enjoyed how most of their images were black and white, with only a few in color to make them stand out. The simple but professional font choice really took this site to the next level. Lastly, a marketing feature we noticed right away was a domain that matches their company name.

12. Slave to the Needle

High-quality visuals dominates this site in order to display as much of their products as possible. It was nice that Slave to the Needle kept a similar theme throughout the entire site. Another thing we noticed was their use of short and to the point paragraphs. We liked how a section for FAQs along news articles were included to get important information to these tattoo designers’ potential clients.

13. Aardvark Tattoo Company

If you are a tattoo designer looking for ideas for your next site, be sure to check this one out. It has a great intro paragraph, that successfully introduces their team of tattoo artists. It was helpful to have buttons leading users to other areas of their site. Including an awesome Instagram and review section, shows the potential customer what other people have experienced and enjoyed. Lastly, we really liked this company’s fun and creative logo design.

14. Ever True Tattoo

Ever True Tattoo focuses on simplicity within their site. The homepage takes on a unique design split in half. One half is a slider featuring a past designs, while the other half features information about the designers. This site also features a clean, well labeled menu, which is helpful for customers browsing the site. Don’t forget to check out this site when searching for tattoo design site ideas.

15. Iron Monkey Ink

This website is very bold and busy, which contrasts from typical tattoo sites. Headlines are big and bold in order to grab viewers attention. Iron Monkey Ink shares their pricing directly so that potential clients aren’t surprised upon arrival. We also liked their unique logo design because it was different from most other tattoo sites.

Related: Give some thought to SEO services for tattoo artists if you are looking to rank higher in search results.

16. Body Electric Tattoo

Body Electric Tattoo has a very unique homepage covered with pictures, each with a headline and a link bringing you to important information. This tattoo design company chose creative fonts to use throughout their custom layout. Also included in this site is links to social media, booking, and additional information. What a great website to check out when looking for a unique template for your tattoo company.

17. Mohave Creative

This website built for tattoo artists includes an oversized intro picture to show off their shop. Featuring an awesome sign for their business is unique, which grabs attention of visitors. We liked how this tattoo company decided to balance white space, text, and images. It was also nice how a sliding image gallery was added. A marketing feature we noticed right away was their simplistic contact method shown by having contact information on the homepage along with a live chat option.

18. Chapter One Tattoo

Chapter One Tattoo utilizes a black and white color scheme, which allows for a clean template that is easy to follow. Each tattoo design artist has a picture and a short paragraph, along with a link to their portfolio. Additionally, we enjoyed how each designer specifies their specialty in tattoo design. Using a lime green color for titles really helps them stand out from other tattoo shops.

19. Guru Tattoo

This website was well-organized with a clearly labeled menu which really helped with navigation in their site. Displaying pictures of past work, along with testimonials from previous customers was something we enjoyed. Offering a live chat to answer any additional questions also really helped this website out. We really liked their creative logo design along with their color scheme.

20. Bearcat Tattoo

Bearcat Tattoo uses the green color to highlight important information throughout the site. The best part about this site was their very attractive and straightforward layout. We also enjoyed how this site utilized an automatically playing video to show off their products. A good amount of content and links are displayed on the homepage allowing visitors to reach for more information.

21. Funhouse Tattoo

This website offers and explains many different styles of tattoos along with sharing which artists are best for each tattoo style. Something we noticed right away was the customer reviews from Google and Yelp. We also liked how this company chose to use buttons to help clients navigate the site. Other notable features in Funhouse Tattoo is the Instagram section, Google Map, and a contact form.

22. LV Tattoo

LV Tattoo has a unique animation to scroll customers to the area of the site they wish for. The focus of this homepage is to introduce the tattoo designers and other team members, along with showing the artists’ portfolios. We also enjoyed how this company clearly states the services they offer and their price range. So many qualities to consider when reviewing this tattoo website.

23. Revolt Tattoos

Revolt Tattoos chooses a bold color scheme, using red, black and white taking advantage of bold, capital letters. We noticed how this company incorporated a video in the homepage, which helps the potential customer feel informed about the site. We thought it was interesting that many of their images matched their overall color scheme. It was easy to find this company’s locations which was another feature we enjoyed.

24. Grand Avenue Tattoo

This site uses circular frames for images which are creative and stand out. It was nice to see a photo gallery showcasing past work of all the artists. We enjoyed how this company chose many methods for contact so almost any person can find a form of contact they are comfortable with. Lastly, Grand Avenue Tattoo made it extremely easy to book an appointment if you are interested.

25. Golden Rule Tattoo

This tattoo website uses a simple template with a good amount of white space. On the home page, information is shared about them as a company, but is organized well so it isn’t overwhelming. Also included is a slider featuring the artist, along with a link to discover more information. We also liked how this site used small and simple accents throughout the site.

How to Build a Great Tattoo Studio Website

Ready to revamp your tattoo studio website?

Let’s explore the essential steps for building or redesigning it.

Skip ahead if you’ve already nailed down your domain, hosting, and website platform!

1.) Purchasing a Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your tattoo website is vital for establishing its online identity. It’s the address visitors use to reach your site and plays a key role in branding and studio recognition.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to selecting the ideal domain name:

  1. Brainstorm: Begin by considering domain name ideas based on your business name, tattoo style, and location.
  2. Simplicity: Keep your domain name simple, easy to spell, and pronounce. Avoid complexity, hyphens, or numbers.
  3. Consistency: If your business has a recognizable brand name, it’s wise to incorporate it into your domain. For instance, if your business is “Death Valley Tattoo Studio,” avoid registering for a domain like “TatsTatsTats.biz.”
  4. Availability: Check the availability of your desired domain names before proceeding. If they’re taken, see if they’re for sale, but be cautious not to overspend.
  5. Domain Extensions: Consider the best domain extension for your website’s purpose. While .com is common, other options like .net, .org, or industry-specific extensions like .tattoo are available.
  6. Legal Considerations: Before registering your domain, do a trademark search to ensure it doesn’t infringe on someone else’s intellectual property. Avoid using names of other tattoo studios or popular tattoo equipment brands in your domain.
  7. Register the Domain: After selecting an available domain name, register it through a reputable registrar like GoDaddy and Namecheap, which we’ve found to be user-friendly options.

2.) Choosing a Website Platform

After securing your domain name, the next step is choosing a website platform for your tattoo site.

Tattoo parlors typically develop content-based websites featuring photo galleries, contact forms, appointment calendars, and phone numbers to boost conversions.

Consider WordPress or other hosted website builders like Wix for this type of website.

  1. WordPress: WordPress is a versatile CMS widely used for tattoo studio websites, offering flexibility and customization. It’s perfect for showcasing artwork and services with themed themes and plugins. Most users prefer the open-source version installed on web hosting for greater control and scalability.
  2. Wix: Wix, similar to WordPress, provides similar page-building features and is a convenient hosted solution for tattoo studio websites. It’s user-friendly, eliminating the need for separate web hosting. We recommend it based on our experience building tattoo websites with Wix.

Web Hosting Requirements

Opting for platforms like WordPress or WooCommerce requires finding a web hosting service.

Consider our web hosting service, which works exceptionally well for WordPress websites. Alternatively, here are recommendations for reliable hosting services from other companies:

  1. WP Engine:
    WP Engine is a top choice for tattoo studios. Their user-friendly control panel simplifies staging website creation, and their seamless backup process is noteworthy. However, be aware of the limits on PHP max_execution_time, and note that pricing can escalate if you require upgraded services.
  2. SiteGround: SiteGround offers outstanding support via live chat and email, with minimal wait times and effective issue resolution. Their user-friendly backup tools and reasonable pricing make them a solid choice for tattoo studios.

3.) Selecting a Website Template

Many tattoo parlors opt for pre-built website templates to cut costs and speed up development. However, if you prefer a custom design, you can hire a custom web designer or custom ecommerce developer to create a theme tailored to your needs.

To assist you in setting up your tattoo website, let’s concentrate on tips for finding pre-built website templates. Here are links to the main theme marketplaces you should explore:

WordPress Tattoo Themes

You can find free themes at wordpress.org, or explore tattoo-inspired templates on ThemeForest.

Tristero – Themeforest


Revolver – Themeforest


Tattoo – Themeforest


Dotwork – Themeforest


Wix Tattoo Themes

Explore free and paid themes suitable for tattoo parlors in the marketplace at wix.com.

4.) Creating Content & Adding Images

With your domain name, website platform, and theme set, it’s time to start creating content for your tattoo website!

Here are some tips for crafting compelling website copy:

  1. Know your target audience: Understand your target audience thoroughly before writing. Define demographics, preferences, and needs. Tailor content to address their interests, provide value, and resonate with them. This boosts search engine ranking for relevant tattoo-related searches.
  2. Define your key messages: Define key messages aligned with your brand, highlighting unique offerings and communicating tattoo service benefits clearly.
  3. Keep it concise and scannable: Opt for concise, easily digestible writing, as online readers tend to scan content. Employ short paragraphs, bullet points, subheadings, and bold text to improve readability.
  4. Create clear and compelling headlines: Craft compelling headlines that convey your tattoo business’s value, enticing visitors to explore further.
  5. Incorporate keywords strategically: Research and incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your content to boost your tattoo website’s search engine visibility. Avoid excessive keyword usage for better readability. Utilize tools like Ahrefs or Semrush for keyword research.
  6. Maintain a conversational tone: Write conversationally to connect with your tattoo audience, avoiding unnecessary jargon. Engage readers by addressing them directly and maintaining a friendly, approachable style.
  7. Edit and proofread: Edit and proofread your tattoo content thoroughly before publishing, ensuring it aligns with your brand voice and style guidelines. Utilize tools like Grammarly for assistance.
  8. Utilize ChatGPT for assistance: Struggling with content ideas or need refining? Try AI tools like ChatGPT.

Break up long text with relevant, high-quality images. Here are some tips:

  1. Use high-quality images: Select visually attractive, well-composed images with high resolution. Avoid blurry or pixelated images to maintain the quality of your tattoo website.
  2. Ensure relevance: Choose images that relate to your content and effectively convey your message. These images should complement the text, offering further context or visual appeal for your tattoo services.
  3. Consider stock photo resources:
    Utilize reputable stock photo websites like Unsplash, Pixabay, or Shutterstock for high-quality tattoo-related images. Ensure compliance with licensing and attribution requirements.
  4. Customize images when possible: Customize images to match your tattoo brand for a cohesive visual experience. Tools like Adobe Photoshop or Canva can help.
  5. Optimize image file sizes: Compress images to optimize file sizes without sacrificing quality. Large files can slow down your tattoo website’s loading speed, affecting user experience and SEO. Use tools like TinyPNG for image compression.

5.) Post-Launch Tasks and Optimization

After launching your tattoo website, there are crucial tasks and services to optimize its effectiveness. Here are key suggestions for post-launch activities:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    Boost your tattoo studio’s visibility in local search results with SEO strategies. Conduct keyword research, optimize content, and maintain a solid internal linking structure. Regularly update your website with fresh content. Consider our SEO team or third-party providers like The HOTH for help.
  2. Paid Advertising: Consider using Google Ads or Facebook Ads to quickly drive targeted traffic to your tattoo business. Hire our PPC management services services or find skilled professionals on platforms like Mayple.
  3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyze your tattoo website’s performance and user behavior with tools like Google Analytics. Identify drop-off points and barriers to conversion. Use A/B testing with tools like VWO to make data-driven changes that enhance conversion rates and improve user experience.
  4. Website Security: Secure your tattoo website with SSL certificates, web application firewalls (e.g., Sucuri), and regular backups. Keep CMS, plugins, and themes updated. Monitor uptime with services like UptimeRobot.
  5. Website Maintenance: Regularly maintain your tattoo website for optimal performance. This involves updating WordPress plugins and themes, monitoring speed and performance, and fixing broken links or errors. Consider our website maintenance services or freelancers on platforms like Upwork.
  6. User Feedback and Testing: Collect user feedback to understand experiences and areas for improvement. Conduct user testing for insights on website interaction. Use this to make iterative enhancements and optimize the user experience.
  7. Content Updates: Keep your website content fresh by regularly publishing new blog posts on tattoo-related topics and updating product/service information. Ensure accuracy and relevance to engage visitors and encourage return visits and content sharing within the tattoo community.

Post-launch digital marketing is vital for your tattoo website’s long-term success. Stay proactive, monitor performance, and adapt strategies to meet business goals and audience needs.

FAQs about Web Development for Tattoo Artist Websites

What is the cost of a tattoo website? 

Expect the starting price for a template-based tattoo website in WordPress to be around $4,000. For custom themes with design mockups, anticipate a higher starting price, roughly $10,000. Factors influencing cost include premium design needs, custom functionality, and data migration.

I already have a tattoo website, how easy is it to change it?

Changing your tattoo website’s platform depends on several factors. If it’s built on a flexible platform like WordPress or a customizable template, modifications can be relatively simple.

If your website relies on custom code, altering it could be complex and time-consuming. Sometimes, it’s more efficient to create a new website from scratch than to modify an existing one.

When updating your website, partner with an experienced web development team for redesign. They’ll assess your current site, consider your budget and objectives, and create a tailored solution.

Do template websites work well for tattoo websites?

Yes, template websites are suitable for tattoo businesses. Numerous high-quality designs cater to tattoo needs, offering an affordable and professional option. Templates can be customized to showcase artist portfolios, services, and appointment scheduling, meeting unique business preferences effectively.

Choose a reputable template optimized for search engines and mobile devices. Regularly update the website with fresh content to engage visitors and enhance search engine ranking.

What is the best way to create a tattoo website?

When designing a tattoo website, identify the target audience and create a visually appealing, user-friendly site appropriate for the industry. Choose a flexible platform like WordPress or a customizable template to tailor the site to your business needs, such as offering online booking and providing tattoo process information.

Craft high-quality content showcasing services, artist details, and contact information. Optimize for search engines with targeted keywords and clear calls-to-action. With expertise, a tattoo website can effectively attract new clients.

Disclaimer: WebCitz, LLC does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the information found on this page or on any web sites linked to from this page. This blog article was written by David W in his or her personal capacity. The opinion(s) expressed in this article are the author's own and may not reflect the opinion(s) of WebCitz, LLC.